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Professional tree care ASSOCIATION


  • 30 Dec 2021 2:52 PM | Rose Epperson (Administrator)

    Latest PTCA News

    Check out this month's PTCA Newsletter!

    We've got some great content this month, including:

    ·     PTCA January Meeting Preview

    ·     Upcoming PTCA Events

    ·     TotM: The Novel Navel Orange

    ·     How Tree Professionals Should Combat Cold Stress on Worksites

    ·     The Whys Of Winter Pruning & More

    ·     And much more!

    Download Now!

  • 23 Nov 2021 11:47 AM | Rose Epperson (Administrator)

    Latest PTCA News

    Check out this month's PTCA Newsletter!

    We've got some great content this month, including:

    ·     PTCA January Meeting Preview

    ·     PTCA Executive Board Changes

    ·     November Meeting Recap

    ·     Should Vines and Climbers Always Be Removed?

    ·     A Clean, Controlled, Fell

    ·     And much more!

    Download Now!

  • 29 Oct 2021 6:51 AM | Rose Epperson (Administrator)

    Latest PTCA News

    Check out this month's PTCA Newsletter!

    We've got some great content this month, including:

    • PTCA November Meeting Preview-In Person!
    • PTCA October Meeting Recap
    • Work Zone Safety for Tree Service Crews
    • Trees that Defy Summer Heat and Drought
    • And much more!

    Download Now!

  • 30 Sep 2021 9:33 AM | Rose Epperson (Administrator)

    Latest PTCA News

    Check out this month's PTCA Newsletter!

    We've got some great content this month, including:

    ·     PTCA October Meeting Preview-In Person!

    ·     PTCA September Meeting Recap

    ·     Commercial Insurance for Arborists

    ·     Spotted Lanternfly in CA

    ·     And much more!

    Download Now!

  • 31 Aug 2021 7:32 PM | Rose Epperson (Administrator)

    Latest PTCA News

    Check out this month's PTCA Newsletter! 

    We've got some great content this month, including: 

    • PTCA September Meeting Preview-In Person!
    • Member Highlight- Amanda Gazlay, TCIA
    • Bob Bichowski Award Recipients
    • PTCA August Tree Walk Recap
    • Seminar and Field Day Recap

    Download Now!

  • 30 Jul 2021 10:53 AM | Rose Epperson (Administrator)

    Latest PTCA News

    Check out this month's PTCA Newsletter!

    We've got some great content this month, including:

    ·     PTCA August Tree Walk Preview

    ·     Staff Highlight

    ·     Seminar & Field Day Keynote Teaser

    ·     PTCA July Tree Walk Recap

    ·     September Meeting- IN PERSON!

    Download Now!

  • 29 Jun 2021 2:57 PM | Rose Epperson (Administrator)

    Latest PTCA News

    Check out this month's PTCA Newsletter!

    We've got some great content this month, including:

    ·     PTCA July Tree Walk Preview

    ·     Staff Highlight

    ·     Save the Date for Annual Seminar & Field Day

    ·     PTCA June Meeting Recap

    ·     And more!

    Download Now!

  • 27 May 2021 1:19 PM | Rose Epperson (Administrator)

    Latest PTCA News

    Check out this month's PTCA Newsletter! 

    We've got some great content this month, including: 

    • PTCA June Meeting Preview
    • Staff Highlight
    • Save the Date for Annual Seminar & Field Day
    • PTCA May Meeting Recap
    • And more!

    Download Now!

  • 27 Apr 2021 4:54 AM | Rose Epperson (Administrator)

    Latest PTCA News

    Check out this month's PTCA Newsletter! 

    We've got some great content this month, including: 

    • PTCA April Virtual Meeting Recap
    • A Look at Logical Fallacies
    • Three Common Safety Mistakes Your Crews May Be Making
    • Foamy Bark Canker: A New Disease on Coast Live Oak
    • And more!

    Download Now!

  • 26 Mar 2021 12:37 PM | Rose Epperson (Administrator)

    Latest PTCA News

    Check out this month's PTCA Newsletter!

    We've got some great content this month, including:

    ·     PTCA March Virtual Meeting Recap

    ·     Avoiding Tree-Related Wildlife Problems

    ·     Pines, Beetles, and Drought

    ·     And more!

    Download Now!

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